Located on the Urabandai side, to the north of Mt Bandai, is the lake crater lying at an altitude of 1,120 m. It was formed by the 1888 eruption.
It is said to be one of the origins of the colours of the Goshikinuma ponds.

The rugged eruption walls and red-rusted rocks, the rising plumes of smoke, the occasional sulphur smell and the greenery of red pine make you realise that the mountain is very much alive.

The mud on the bottom of the lake is red due to the presence of iron hydroxide.
This in turn gives the entire pond a reddish appearance.

When standing by Akanuma Pond, evidence of the dramatic collapse of Mount Bandai is apparent. The sheer cliffs are impressive.
Although the pond is located away from the popular mountaineering course of Mount Bandai, a very wonderful landscape surrounds it.

Between Urabandai Ski Resort and Akanuma Pond, you pass through a forest which was born out of a crater created by the eruption. Akanuma Pond is surrounded by a crater wall.

■Duration: Approximately 45 minutes ~ 1 hour (one way)
■Difficulty: Intermediate




・裏磐梯スキー場 駐車場


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